Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Serial Mom

Dear Serial Mom


Check me out , Momma! Dang! I'm good!!!!

Months have passed and I'm still laughing at the dirty trick I played on you.  I should feel a deep self loathing and disgust but I, I, I, I just can't. See, despite the fact that all you ever did was offer a topix opinion that differed from my own, I was darned if I was gonna accept those words at face value and so I created a fabulous master plan. I called it PDSM - Project Discredit Serial Mom. Neat, huh! So.... ( If I say this quickly maybe it won't sound so bad).... 

There! I've said it! 

Being honest ( which I find kinda difficult to do), my motivation was malicious. I hoped I'd whip some fellow fans into a frenzy of disgust and that they'd bully you away from the topix forum. I knew you were presenting facts that I couldn't challenge and I got my size 18 knickers in a *major* twist and played a dirty trick.

These were my words...

Looks like our buddy Harvey is busy over at Topix when he's not here. I'm no shrink, but I don't think it takes one to see that though Harv may have "paid his debt" to society he's still got MAJOR issues involving an unusual fascination with anything "pedophilia" related. Incidentally, he also posts as "Lisa" and "Serial Mom" and a variety of other names.


(pretty eloquent, if I say so myself)

I'd ask you for forgiveness but, being realistic, I don't care what you haters think. All I care about is proving Michael innocent - or making you guys look so deranged that people'll question your sanity. Besides, all's fair in love and war. Anyway, it's not like you were the only one. I did it to Mullins too when she started to annoy me - remember? InDaHouse caught ash and I on that one and busted our asses.  I'd been busted for being an off-topix C.O.W.

Meanwhile I played at being a virtuous moral type of a big gal. haha, the irony of that one! I'd preach on the topix forum every time you haters got too close to the mark and I'd say something stupid like ' real people sit behind the computers and internet words can break hearts. The pen is mightier than the sword. ' and more ballsy blah blah.

I laughed as I did this, you know. We all laughed at the way we accused you of bullying us. We had you guys over a topix barrel. Gawd, we're clever! LOL!!

So I guess you oughta know that by now I might even be back there and preparing to do it again. I'm pretty darned good at subterfuge and trickery and this game isn't over yet.
The only sure thing with me is that you never know what I might do or who I might hurt or accuse in my quest to prove Michael's innocence.

Watch your backs!

Kiss Kiss


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